What's this word?
Does anyone still know the meaning of this?
This is so powerful.
It can make one happy or sad.
It can turn the world upright or upside-down.
What happened with this word?
It seams that everyone has already forgotten this.
Miscommunication here, there, and everywhere.
Conflicts arise here and there.
People often rely on what they think.
They no longer ask. They no longer communicate.
They prefer to be silent rather than express their thoughts.
One often think, "If I tell, I might get a negative reaction."
So, one would rather not tell.
It is easier nowadays just to keep everything inside them.
Just to be silent. Just to be still.
So I ask. Why? Is it fear? Maybe....
Is it because of negative thoughts? Negative conclusions?
People tend to say things they don't mean.
Or people tend not to say things they want to say.
Just to please other people.
People tend to say their Ok with what others do,
but deep down inside, they are not.
Although there is a spark of Hope.
That someday, everything will change.
That someday, people would be open.
That someday, people would express their thoughts.
With this, conflicts would be lessen, if not eradicated.
Communication would be more powerful than ever,
This would give us a better insight,
This would give us a better and more peaceful world.