Is it just me? Or is it just me?
Lately, there has been a battle within me
Should I do it? Or shouldn't I?
Several things needed to be done at work -
Research Works.
But how? Or is the question, why?
Why can't I do it?
Is it because of the lack of resources?
Don't have a step by step goal?
Lack of interest?
Or just merely subversion? Rebellion?
I couldn't comprehend,
couldn't understand.
I even have the time to write this
nonsense blog.
Or is it really nonsense?
I'm saying, it's too general.
I can't manage general things.
I want specific things.
I'm thinking, is it worth it?
Or am I just wasting my time?
I'm also saying, it's not one of my core gift.
Or is it really not one of my core gifts?
It's not in me.... I don't feel like doing it.
Or have I not just discovered the
extent of my core gifts?
I'm used to doing things whenever
there is a detailed plan.
Give me a plan, and I'll do it.
I still think I want ACTION!
So far, I was able to do small
research. Read promises like "It could
be done". My question always goes,
What are the specific procedure on
how to do it?
Yes, concepts are great.
But I need ACTION!
I read yesterday written in a
shirt - "Action speaks louder
than blogs".
Well, that's the modern way for the
saying "Action speaks louder than words."
And I very much agree with that.
I say we need to define our goals,
hire more people,
pay for a real extensive training
to comply with the necessary
and just do it!
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