In the afternoon, I was greeted by another colleague and asked for my email address.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning
New every morning. (3x)
Great is Thy faithfulness.
This is just a portion of an email to a good friend of mine just this morning. My friend just attended a retreat about Destiny and shared to me the details of this wonderful activity. I just thought of sharing what I replied to her in this space. These ideas are mixtures of the talks that I attended and the thoughts that came out based from those talks. This is just an opinion.
Here is what I said.
The story of Adam and Eve is a story about the human Free Will. The forbidden tree represents the things that destroys us (in any aspect), while the rest of the trees are the blessings that God has given us... The tree wasn't really intended to be planted just for the sake that the humans will have temptations. The point of the story was that Adam and Eve had a choice. And that is to eat or not to eat the forbidden fruit. We represent Adam and Eve. God gave us the free will to choose between good or evil. To choose between the two, is really up to us.
Well, I think if there is no free will, God will might as well create robots. :)
Based from the talks that I attended, sin is something that destroys us. This does not destroy God, but it destroys us. Sin is very deceiving. It would invite us and tell us that it would make us happy. But in the end, destroys us. God loves us so much and wants us to be happy.
Another story that was partially mentioned, was the story of Judas.
In the early days of the Church, the priests did not bless a person who committed suicide. We believed that they'd go directly to hell. Nowadays, the Church already bless them because we believe that they can still be saved.
I think we all have our destiny. And we have many choices on how we can fulfill it. That's the beauty of it. The choices are not too narrow, that we have a wide variety of choices that we can enjoy.